Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Broken Nomads

Feb. 20, 2017

So we went to the mission office to get a Tiwi (mission driving monitoring system) installed in our car on Friday, and we were in the process of moving. We saw President Cooper and he asked how the move was going. We said it was going and he called us wandering nomads. We thought it was funny. Later we were talking to the mission nurse about the new exercise plan to run a mile. Sister Swanson and Sister Hunt both can't run because of different medical things, so Sister Swanson joked and said they are both broken. So we have decided to call ourselves the broken nomads.

So we moved this week! Not to where we were expecting. It turns out there was a miscommunication and our new apartment will not be ready until March 22, not February. We found out at a special conference that the mission had for all the sisters on Wednesday. Which was really awesome, by the way. So we kicked the zone leaders out of their apartment and they moved in with the other elders. We live in our area now! It was a huge feat to pack up and clean the whole apartment, and we just get to do it all over again in a month!

Not only that, but Sister Swanson has been in Land O Lakes since Saturday because Sister Smith is sick with some flu bug and it just worked out well that way with the two trios. We found out last night she will be staying there until Wednesday so she can have an official exchange with Sister Frye and we can all save miles. We will meet up at a zone service activity we will be having at a food bank on Wednesday. Crazy!

Also, this week we have been trying to tackle some communication problems in our companionship. It is especially hard in a trio to make sure everyone is happy and getting their needs met. It has been really hard, but I think progress is being made. I have definitely learned a lot about how to communicate effectively and with love.

I do have a miracle to share this week, though! We had dinner with the Relief Society president and her husband and son. Her husband and son are not members of the church. At the end, we shared a scripture with her and her husband and invited them to have family prayer every day. We could tell that she was very hesitant to be too pushy on him, and very surprised when he agreed. She came up to us yesterday at church and thanked us for coming. She said that every morning before she leaves for work, her husband will get out of bed and pray with her. Once, he even added his own part of the prayer. It was very special.

Well, that's about it for this week! It's been a crazy roller coaster, but it seems to be slowing down again. I have found that there is always something good to find in every situation. I hope you all have a great week ahead of you! _______________________________________________________________
Valentine's Day and Sisters' Conference!
1. Our district leader and his companion made us these little heart thingys
2. Valentine's cookies!
3. Sister Anderson!  And her companion Sister Naa.
4. All the sisters in the mission!  We had a special conference for all the sisters on Wednesday. 

Evidence of the crazy move... 
1. Me getting caught eating muddy buddies while packing our food...
2. The office elders who helped us move sent us this nice text! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Jan. 13, 2017

Hello, all!

So on Tuesday we had a zone training meeting and learned that President Cooper has decided to set a few boundaries for us after loosening the reins. We now need to run 1 mile every day for our exercise. So far it has been really good, but it is hard to measure on the days that we don't use the gym. We also did some service unpacking for a handicapped woman who is moving in. The Relief Society president referred us to her. Hudson is very different. The members are more missionary focused and the people are more low-income and willing to listen more. We literally can't walk down the hall of the church without somebody stopping us to tell us to visit someone they know, usually a less active member.

We had interviews on Wednesday with President and Sister Cooper. It is always great to talk to them. We also had missionary coordination and it was so weird to have 4 sets of missionaries there. The other missionaries told us we could teach a few people they had been teaching. Our ward mission leader is pretty great, too. Also, yesterday the elders called us and asked if we wanted to teach one of their investigators because she is a young woman and they thought it would be better for her. So we have our first investigator!

Otherwise, we met a few less active members, and a lot of them are recent converts, which is really sad. A lot of them can't come because they need a ride. We taught C who is really nice and has been a member for almost a year now, but hasn't been to church in awhile.

So we move out on Friday and are going to live with the Palm Harbor sisters until the 22nd when we finally get to move into our new apartment. It will be crazy. A lot of our time this week has already been spent packing and cleaning and we still have a lot to do. But I know it will all work out. "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success." -Alma 26:27

I hope you all have a great week and Valentine's Day!
We went to Outback today!  Yummm 😊 


Goodbye, Odessa

Feb. 6, 2017

So we are now 3/4 in Hudson! We are working there now, but still living in Odessa, so it doesn't seem complete yet. We should get our new apartment on the 22nd. We went to church there yesterday and it was great! Everyone was super nice. We got some referrals for service and less active members. We were also able to set up several appointments with the members. However, it was really hard to leave Odessa. Saturday was crazy because that was when we found out when we were transferring and had to say goodbye to everyone. So yup, that was pretty much our week. We did teach O on Tuesday. I don't know if you all remember me talking about him awhile ago. Sister Hunt had taught him a lot when she was here. We taught him about the Book of Mormon and he said he would read it. He really seemed to understand that it would bring him peace. We also got some referrals from the Palm Harbor sisters of people who are now in Hudson boundaries who Sister Hunt had taught before, so that will be great! I hope you all have a great week.

The third picture is us saying goodbye to the Cooks.  I love them and will miss them so much!  The fourth is of some brownies we found at Walmart and thought were super cute.

Halfway to ... Hudson?!

Jan. 30, 2017

Hello, all! Today was a crazy week.

So we went to transfers and the Worldwide Missionary Broadcast on Wednesday. Before it starts, we hear that we are not staying in Odessa, but moving to Hudson! Sister Hunt apparently knew this all along, but it was news to Sister Swanson and I. There will no longer be missionaries in Odessa, but the Land O Lakes sisters will take it over as needed. President told us we would probably stay in Odessa another week, and most recently he said he hopes to have us moved by Sunday. That might not happen because we don't have an apartment yet. We will have to see! Anyway, we are pretty excited because there will be a lot for us to do there. There are already 2 sets of elders there, so that will be interesting. At the broadcast itself, there were some changes made to our schedule and some other things and it was a huge blessing because our mission had already been doing some of the changes. It made it an easier adjustment. It is still pretty weird, though. What a crazy week full of changes!

N came to the Pinewood Derby on Friday, but that was pretty much the only contact we had with her. Her family isn't sick anymore, so hopefully we will be able to teach her again this week.

Yesterday Sister Swanson gave an amazing talk in church and we all taught part of a lesson on the Two Great Commandments (Matthew 22:36-40). After church, we got to go to the mission home for interviews with President and to talk a little more about going to Hudson. That was the first time I've been able to go there since my first day here. Speaking of which, I hit my 9 month mark on Friday! I am halfway through my mission. I'm not sure how I feel about that...

Alright, well, if there is anything y'all want to send me, it would be best to send it to the mission office for now since nobody knows when we are moving. I hope you all have a great week!

Uneventful week...but transfers!

Jan. 23, 2017

So transfers are this week 😫 Sister Jensen is going to Seminole 2 with Sister Clement and Sister Swanson and I are staying...but we will still be a trio! Sister Hunt is coming back. She was Sister Minson's companion in Odessa before I came.

This week has been somewhat uneventful. We had a couple exchanges. On one of them, Sister Jensen, Sister Huber and I went to the nursing home again and also got to go to a hospital to contact a referral. N's whole family has been sick, so nothing much has happened there. We met a few cool people and found some service opportunities for the future, so that should be good.

Yesterday it rained a lot. We got poured on. It's been raining a lot today, too. I wonder if summer is coming early...

Anyway, that's about it. What has been going on for all of you?☺
1. A delicious smoothie I got at Bahama Bucks!
2. We got soaked...


Let Your Light Shine!

Jan. 16, 2017

Anyway, how has everyone's week been? Ours has been pretty busy.

On Tuesday we had zone training meeting and interviews with the mission president. On Wednesday we had an exchange so I was in Land O Lakes with Sister Huber. We taught a 6 year old girl and her mom (who is a member of our church, stopped coming, and is starting to come back) in the morning and then walked with them to the bus stop. They are super sweet. We went to Vallarta's for lunch, where they have dollar tacos on certain days. It was really good. We went to a youth activity that night with a little girl who just got baptized and a little girl who is about to get baptized. We made cute jars with glow in the dark paint to remind us to let our lights shine, like Jesus says in Matthew 5:16.

On Thursday, we taught the M's. Somehow, we were able to break through some ice and find out a little more about why Brother M never prays in our lessons. Apparently he has not prayed in their almost 20 years of marriage. We need to find out what it is that keeps him from communicating with Heavenly Father. It is not enough to just participate in prayer, but it needs to be from the heart, an actual conversation, done with faith and willingness to act.

We met with several member families this week to get to know them better and strengthen their faith and desire to do missionary work. We also helped take down the set from Night in Bethlehem on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday afternoon, we stopped by the Ss. Brother S is a less active member and his wife is not a member. They were very nice and were happy to let us share a short message about Jesus Christ. We set up a time to go back.

That was basically our week. N has been super busy, so we haven't been able to meet with her again and her kids were sick yesterday, so they didn't make it to church. They seem to be progressing, though, and we are very excited for them!

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week! Don't forget to update me on what's going on in your lives.😊
Just some selfies ...

Awesome week!!!

Jan. 9, 2017

Hello, all! It's getting a little cooler here in Florida, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to what it's like where you all are.

On Tuesday night, we taught the Ms and talked about the temple. Sister M said she would like to be sealed as a family this year since it is their 20th marriage anniversary, so that will be awesome! I'm excited to help them get there.

On Wednesday night, we had a lesson with N and it was AMAZING! She loves the Book of Mormon and really everything about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We invited her to be baptized, which we were pretty nervous about because we didn't want her to feel like her previous baptism was not important. But she has been so prepared by Heavenly Father to learn about this gospel, so she was all for it and seemed excited! She and her whole family came to church again on Sunday, including her brother-in-law! They seemed to feel the Spirit. The testimonies shared in sacrament meeting were wonderful. The lesson in gospel principles class went really well. Bishop and Sister C came to the class and were able to make them feel comfortable and help them understand what was being taught. Relief Society was on the Restoration, which was great, too. It was awesome! Also, R shared her testimony of the commandments, which is something we have been trying to teach her - the importance of God's commandments and why we have them. She also got her temple recommend! Best day ever!

On Saturday, we helped a widow move her things into a moving truck. A friend had told her that members and missionaries from the church could help her. It was fun and she really appreciated it. A few members of the ward came to help as well as several family members.

Well, that's about it for this week. I hope you all stay warm! I just know that God has a unique plan for each of us, and He loves us all so much. I love you, too!

This is all I got for ya.

Happy 2017!

Jan. 2, 2017

Hello, all! Happy New Year!

This week was interesting. We stayed in a lot because Sister Jensen hasn't been feeling well. On Friday Sister Jensen and I went to metro (which is now called Specialized Missionary Training) with Sister Smith because we were on an exchange. But this time it was in downtown Tampa and it was so cool! We got to walk around the city and see skyscrapers and a river walk.

On Saturday morning, we road tripped to Gibsonia for the baptism of a young lady Sister Jensen taught. It was really special! I know baptism is the path that Heavenly Father wants for us. The Spirit was there testifying that this girl had made the right choice. That night, we went to the Cs for some New Year's festivities - food, games, and "torching the tree." They threw their Christmas trees in their fire pit. The flames were massive! It was so cool! (Kids, don't try this at home)

Yesterday there were a ton of activities in the ward. One family hosted a crepe fest, another had their son getting baptized, and another had an engagement party for one of their daughters. So that was an exciting day. The little boy getting baptized had his older missionary brother videotape himself giving one of the talks, which was cool.

Anyway, we are excited to see what this week will bring! I hope you all start the year off great!

Metro Pic

Our car got run over by a reindeer...

Dec. 26, 2016

Yup. We hit a deer last night and our car is toast. But we are all completely and absolutely fine! We were driving to the church to Skype our family and were very close to the church, so that was a blessing. Sister Swanson was driving and she handled it very well. She just calmly pulled off the road. A man who saw it happen came and helped us push it further off the road. We just got word that we will be getting a new car tomorrow. It is one that the mission was going to sell, but now we get it! Haha. In all seriousness though, I am so sure that we were protected by angels last night. Sister Jensen said she saw the deer hit the windshield and roll off the back of the car, but the only thing that was damaged was the hood (which was totaled). Sister Swanson could have slammed on the brakes or swerved into oncoming traffic or the trees, but she didn't. And we still had plenty of time to talk to our families. Isn't that amazing? God watches over us!

Anyway, this week was pretty amazing. We had our first lesson with N on Wednesday and it was awesome. Sister C was there and she helped us teach and shared her testimony. N has been reading the Book of Mormon every day and she brought her whole family to church yesterday. We met several cool people this week who we think may be interested in learning more about the church. We performed a Christmas program at a nursing home on Christmas Eve and they loved it. It was so fun! We had Christmas Eve dinner with the Ts, Christmas breakfast with the Cs, and Christmas dinner with the Ss. It was so much fun! We received a lot of presents from members as well. Christmas is my favorite holiday!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I miss you all, but remembering Jesus Christ, which is the true meaning of Christmas, is what brings the true spirit of Christmas. It is what brings the joy and happiness that we feel at Christmas time.

Farewell, and happy New Year! 🎉

Christmas Eve with the Ts

Monday, February 20, 2017

Merry Christmas!

December 19, 2016

Hello, all! Are you all pumped for Christmas?

It has been a great week! My new companions are awesome. We get along well and they have so much to add to the work of salvation in the area. By the way, the Sister Jensen who came was not the same Sister Jensen I knew 😊

On Thursday, we received N as a referral! She requested a Book of Mormon! We made an appointment for tonight are are super excited! She and her family came to Night in Bethlehem - which, by the way, was SO COOL!!! There were live animals, beautiful music, and lots of people came. Our job was to hold flashlights to light the aisles and exits so people didn't trip. I saw Sister Minson and a bunch of other missionaries I knew who came with people they were teaching.

We have a zone conference tomorrow and we were asked to do a musical number. We chose O Holy Night, and Sister Swanson and I will sing and Sister Jensen will play the piano. It has been a long time since I have sung in front of people...😫

Anyway, that was pretty much our week. We are excited for Christmas! We are going to the Ts for Christmas Eve night and the Ss for Christmas dinner. We are also hoping to sing at nursing homes on both days. It's going to be so awesome!

Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome Christmas! I can't think of anything better to celebrate than our Savior's birth. I love you all!

- Sister Porter
1. Us with B at her concert 😊
2. Saying goodbye to the Ms
3. Saying goodbye to R and O
4. Saying goodbye to R and B

1. New companions!  Eating at Chilis for Sister Swanson's year mark 😃
2. Saying goodbye to B
3. B at the beach after her baptism
4. B is about to get baptized!


Transfers...and almost Christmas!

December 12, 2016

Hello, all! So first off, transfers are happening this week, and we found out this morning that Sister Minson is transferring to the Young Single Adult Ward and I am staying and receiving 2 companions, Sister Swanson and Sister Jensen. I went on an exchange with them when I was in Lithia and they were in YSA, so I know them a little bit 😊

This week has been awesome! I had an exchange with Sister Huber on Tuesday and we got to go do service at an assisted living facility for a little bit and then at a boutique that a woman in my congregation owns that is in the Land O Lakes area. We then went to a concert that an 8 year old girl they are teaching had a solo in, which was so cute! And finally we went to their relief society Christmas party with a White Elephant gift exchange. I got a little photo album that I don't really like. Originally I had some cute blue leg warmers that got stolen from me...oh, well. Who needs leg warmers in Florida? We finished the exchange with yoga in the morning 😊

On Thursday night, we went to B's school concert that she was in and sat with her family. She was in a rock band. Have any of you ever heard of an elementary school rock band?! They were playing Metallica and some other crazy stuff. Anyway, we got to meet her dad, so that was good.

On Friday night we were able to set up an appointment with someone that we have been trying to get in contact with for a while, so I will let you all know how that goes! Then we had a Relief Society Christmas party (for our own ward) which was delicious soup and Christmas ornament-making. N, Sister C's friend, came! She loved it and got along really well with all the other women. She was happy to see us and told us she has been doing #LIGHTtheWORLD and it brightens her day every day 😊 Later, Sister C told us that she invited N to church and she said she would love to come! She didn't come yesterday, but we think she will soon!

Yesterday we taught the Bs, a family in our ward. As we were leaving, they told us they were going to a service project later, so we asked if we could come. It was wrapping socks to give to the homeless! We got to talk to a nice woman there and invite her to Night in Bethlehem. We also stopped by a referral and he was really excited to come to Night in Bethlehem. His friend who was with him was really excited, too. He said he would bring his wife. We ended the night with sharing a spiritual thought at a youth meeting at the Bishop's house. There was hot chocolate and delicious cinnamon rolls. I love this ward! They are so awesome.

Anyway, that's pretty much been our week. I think it was a pretty good last week here for Sister Minson. The ward will miss her! (and so will I)

I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas season!

Sent from my iPad

Shaved Ice and Christmas ornaments

The first 2 pictures are at Bahama Bucks on the exchange.  It is a shaved ice place owned by a member of my ward. The last picture is the ornament I made at the Relief Society party.  Isn't it cute? 😊

December already?

December 5, 2016
Hello, all!

This week didn't have a whole lot going on. We shared #LIGHTtheWORLD with a couple families who are members of our church. We also shared it with a woman N who is friends with the Cs and has been bringing her son to Boy Scouts at our church. She loved it! We saw a young lady sitting on a bench outside a store and she was the first person we met (besides N) who wanted to watch the video. She had actually heard of it at her church! It is so awesome that other churches are using it, too. It can bring anyone closer to Christ! She thought it was really cool and said that missionaries could come by her house. She doesn't live in our area.

Other than that, we got some Christmas packages this week with lots of fun decorations! I hope you all are excited for Christmas! It really is the most wonderful time of the year. There is so much happiness and the Spirit of God is especially present in our lives as we let Him in. I know that God loves us and that Jesus is our Savior, and I'm grateful for this time to celebrate His birth.

Love you all! Hope you have a great week!

Sent from my iPad
It's beginning a to look a lot like Christmas...

1. The little tree my mom sent me!
2. The wall tree Sister Minson's mom sent, with all our little gifts we got so far 
3. ❄️Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow #wereinFlorida
4. More chalk drawings that we did!  So fun!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

It's the holiday season...

November 28, 2016

Hello, all!  I hope your Thanksgivings were great!  Ours was filled
with a lot of good food and great company.  We went to the Ss
and the Rs and Js were there as well.  Brother R made a
Southern deep fried turkey.  It was absolutely amazing, and it only
took 40 minutes to cook!  We also had green beans wrapped in
bacon...mmm!  We went to the Ws for dinner and the Qs
came.  It was so fun to be with them.  The Qs are moving this
week, so we got to see them before they left.

Anyway, the zone activity day on Monday was really fun and the musical
number went well.  The #LIGHTtheWORLD video came out on Friday, and it
is SO cool!  If you haven't seen it already, you should go to and watch it!  It shows how we can be more like Christ, and
there's a program that goes with it starting December 1 and lasting
until Christmas.  We had the youth go and show it to all the classes
at church.  We can change the world, one good deed at a time!

By the way, the holiday decorations in Florida are seriously over the
top.  So many people have lots of lights and big blow up Olafs or
Santas or reindeer.  It was the same way for Halloween.  It is so fun
to see!

I love you all, and hope you have a great week!

1. Our zone at the activity on Monday
2. The Ws and Qs on Thanksgiving!
3. A fun picture we took at the Night in Bethlehem set.  Night in Bethlehem is a big event our stake does every year for Christmas.  It is kind of like a live nativity.


Happy Thanksgiving!

November 21, 2016

Hello, all!  It was a great week.  B had her baptismal interview
on Thursday and she did so great!  She was really shy, but she knows
her stuff and Elder Leja who interviewed her said she has a really
strong testimony.  It has been so fun teaching her.  The next day they
left for Mississippi.  She will be baptized on Saturday!

On Friday night we had dinner with the Ms and we had delicious
Cuban food - chicken and rice and fried plantains!  Last night we had
dinner with the Qs who are moving to Clearwater soon, and had
Venezuelan chicken empanadas.  There is so much wonderful diversity

We are currently at the church cooking a turkey for the zone activity!
 We will be having a Thanksgiving dinner and watching Ephraim's
Rescue.  I am playing the piano for a musical number "O Come, O Come
Emmanuel" at the zone training meeting we will have tonight after
dinner.  What an exciting day!  And we get to wear jeans 

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I am so
grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, for God's plan of salvation,
for my family, for the temple, for food, for the beautiful world we
live in, for the resources that we have, for the experiences that I
have been given, for the Spirit to guide me, for music, for all the
wonderful people God has put in my life, and for so much more.  I am
also grateful for this holiday season that helps us remember Heavenly
Father and Jesus Christ and the enormous blessings they have given us.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sent from my iPad
Oh, and I forgot something!  Yesterday, one of our investigators
George came to church for the first time, but we didn't see him until
after sacrament meeting...but he was talking to Brother J, who
we had previously thought would be a great friend for him!  What a
miracle!  Also, B and N, R's friends, came.  It was
N's first time!
1. This is B at her interview!  We were on an exchange, so I was with Sister Cook.  Isn't she adorable? 

2 and 3: TURKEY!


80 Degrees in November...?

November 14, 2016

Hello, all!  It's been a great week.

We taught B 4 times last week and she is doing great!  Her baptism is on the 26th.  She has read most of the children's Book of Mormon and seems to understand everything we teach.

We taught Sister G again on Wednesday.  I talked about her awhile ago, I think.  She said the lesson was just what she needed. :) We also taught B and N again, and they came to mutual again with R.  On Friday night and Saturday, we had an exchange and I was with Sister Cook in Land O Lakes.  We drew scriptures and uplifting messages in sidewalk chalk in parks.  It was pretty fun!

Church yesterday was SO good!  The speakers in sacrament meeting were great.  The Ms and all their kids came, as did the Ms.  Also, a young less active couple came who nobody had had any contact with for awhile!  Last night, we had a meeting with the newly called ward missionaries!  It was great and I think they are going to be such a big help.  They are Sister R, Sister K, and Brother S.  Great things are happening here!

We have interviews with the mission president on Friday, and on Saturday we get to go to the baptism of C and L who the Carrollwood sisters have been teaching!  I got to teach C once when I was with Sister Clement.  I am so excited!  We have another zone activity day next Monday as well. 

Hope you all have a great week!

Sister Porter

I know that we truly are children of God and He loves us like our earthly father, but even more perfectly.  He is so involved in our lives and gives us the Spirit to guide us.  He wants what is best for us and gives us the tools to make the best decisions for our lives that will bring us the most happiness.

Teaching, a Conference, and a Kitten

November 7, 2016

Hello, all!  I hope you all had a great Halloween!  Ours was pretty good.  We helped pass out candy with the W family and talked to some of their neighbors.  S, their daughter, was baptized on Sunday and one of their neighbors came and said we could stop by sometime!

We taught B and N, R's friends, twice this week, and they came to mutual (youth night) on Wednesday as well!  O, R's mom, was at the last lesson with them and helped us teach about the Restoration of the church, which was awesome!  She is still struggling with health problems.  B doesn't want to pray, but we tried to help her understand that prayer doesn't have to be scary and it is talking to Heavenly Father.  He loves us and wants to hear from us.  

Saturday was one of the best days ever.  We had a conference with Elder Klebingat, and he is so awesome.  We learned so much.  I think one of the main things I got from it is that we truly are children of God, and he knows that we aren't perfect.  He just wants us to do our best, and he accepts and loves us as we are.  We all got to shake Elder Klebingat's hand, and it was so powerful to meet a man called of God to lead and guide His children.

We are having dinner with the Ms tonight.  We are going to start helping their daughter B prepare for baptism.  B's mom is a member of the church, but they don't come very often.  They came yesterday, though!  We are excited :)

Alright, that's about it for this week.  Love y'alls!
Sister Porter

So...I still really like cats :)  This is Tiger.  We met him on Friday.

Happy Halloween!

October 31, 2016

Hello, all!  It's been a good week.

We had the best district meeting ever on Tuesday.  We played a game to memorize scripture references, went into the chapel to talk about how we can help investigators get to church, and did some great role plays.  

Thursday was my 6 months mark!  I couldn't believe it.  Sister Minson made pancakes for breakfast and we went out to iHop for dinner.  Then Friday was the ward Trunk or Treat!  It was amazing.  There were a lot of nonmembers and less active members and everyone seemed to really enjoy it.  There was food, games, and of course, trick or treating :)   B came with R.

Sunday was the Primary program, where the children give testimonies and sing songs in sacrament meeting.  There was a baptism for R W and she invited all her friends and teachers.  There were so many people there, and it was such a great baptismal service!  R and B came, and Sister V told us that she heard R ask B if she wanted her to give a talk at her baptism.  We haven't even invited her to be baptized yet!  B is excited about baptism, but R is even more excited :)

Yup, those are pretty much the highlights of our week.  I hope you all are doing well!  Stay safe tonight!

Sister Porter

The first picture is my awesome district.  It was Elder Gardner's last district meeting, so we had to get a picture!

The second is me at iHop.  6 months!!!

The third is me at a pretty scene :)  I love sand cranes!

1. People are crazy about their decorations here.  We thought these were pretty cool. :)
2 and 3 - Us at the Halloween party!
4. Us with the Montesinos!  I love them!
5. Us with Reese (Red Riding Hood) and Brenna (next to me) and Maya, a young woman in the ward.